zucchini and cinnamon

2-4 medium zucchini or summer squash
1/4-1/2 cup chicken stock
salt\pepper to taste
garlic (smashed cloves or chopped in water)

With 2-3 medium sized zucchini, washed and ends removed –

Cut into halves lengthwise, then into slices or chunks with alternating angled cuts to make trapezoids or triangles along the length of the halves.  If you were doing this on round carrots, it would be called ‘rolled cuts’ because you would roll the carrot 1/4 turn each time you cut across the carrot at an angle.

With a heavy pan, heat some olive oil, then briefly heat some garlic until fragrant (1-2 minutes)

Add the zucchini slices and brown, moving the chunks around to heat and caramelize the surface of at least one side. Doesn’t have to be dark, just add some color.

When ready, add salt, pepper and 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon to the zucchini.  Toss to mix, then add a small amount of chicken stock (1/4 to 1/2 cup depending on how much) and stir to distribute the spices.  The zucchini will finish cooking with the steam from the stock. Try not to overcook the zucchini – if it is in chunks this will be easier.  Ideally the stock will be reduced to a syrup  which you can coat the zucchini in or pour over the plated vegetable.

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